Individual Financial Breakthrough Therapy Package
You work really hard. You manage a family. You attempt to keep up with the demands of your life. It was never easy. Recently it became harder to manage. It has since turned to financial anxiety. Financial anxiety, gets in the way of everything, especially your relationships and your health.
Signs of Financial Anxiety
Tired from overthinking about your finances
Irritable from having little energy
Tense from many distressing fears related to poverty
Difficulty sleeping
Imagining the worst despite it’s unlikely occurrence
Not enjoying anything as much as you are used to
Checking the balance___ one last time
Counting and recounting again, hashing and rehashing again
Holding your breathe
You No Longer Have to Fight This Alone
Start Financial Breakthrough Therapy therapy TODAY with Melech.
You will get 10 modules of pre-recorded sessions, each module with 3 parts to it. You will meet once a week for half an hour with me, for a 10 week period.
Working With Melech, You Can Expect
Better sleep
Improved Relationships
More energy
More time
More head-space
Ease with decision making